As part of our unit on Lowry, we have been looking at perspective. We used one of his works of art to recreate a street scene. After initially thinking it was going to be a big challenge, we were Resilient Rats and tried our best. In the end, we impressed ourselves with what we created – Year 3 Proud Peacocks!

We have been reviewing our learning for the term and children chose how they would like to show what they have learnt. Some created posters whilst others tried mindmaps. We have covered lots and have also remember lots too.

We are studying the artist Lowry. We started looking at colour mixing with hard and soft blending. Lowry is meant to have only used 5 colours. So we used the 3 primary colours to make the secondary colours. We also posed in a Lowry scene which we will use later to create our work of art.

In Science, we have been exploring the function of our skeleton from protection to movement. We investigated how all the joints in our hands work.

We have been looking at Remembrance Day and the significance of poppies. We looked at this famous poem and discussed what it meant before creating our representation with silhouette cut outs of soldiers

As part of ‘Barvember’, we have been investigating our daily maths bar model challenge. Today, we were being curious cats and exploring creatively how to represent our bar models in different ways.