With the Easter holidays in April it was a shorter month for us. However, we still managed to pack in lots of wonderful learning experiences.

Out topic for this term is ‘Animals’. We have shared some wonderful books; ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’, ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘Rosie’s Walk’. We spoke about how we should take care of our pets and we discussed positional language used in ‘Rosie’s Walk’. We have made our own Bear Hunt in the outdoor area and created an obstacle course to go under, over and through.

Our PHSE lessons were all about our families and the things they do for us. we also spoke about how to be a good friend and we played some circles games that encourage friendship.

As the weather has improved, we have also been able to spend more time in our outside learning environment, investigating some of the wonderful learning opportunities on offer.