As part of our art programme Year 3 has been looking at the artistic work of Romero Britto. We found that he used bold colours and patterns to create vibrant pictures. Britto also used hearts as a way of showing happiness in his works of art. As part of our coronation celebrations we have taken a picture of King Charles and created a Britto style Coronation portrait with bold colours, patterns, hearts and crowns. 

As part of our Year 3 Plants project we have been investigating what happens when a seed germinates. We put a bean seed on wet tissues paper and placed it in a bag which was stuck to the window. We then predicted whether we thought leaves or roots would appear first – who will be right and why? Some of us thought the leaves would appear first because the plant needed to make food, others thought the roots because the new plant needs water.

Today we set up this experiment to see what will happen to the flower when it is placed in coloured water. Some of us thought that the flower might die whereas others of us thought that the flower might change colour. We have been investigating how water gets into a plant and how it then travels around the plant. We predicted that water would get into a plant through the roots. 

As part of our maths unit we have been studying money and to help us understand how money works we have had some real-life learning. We made our own Pine Pounds and earned money during the week. Today we counted up how much money we had earned. We used this money to convert into dojo points to add to our collections.

As part of mental health week we have been looking at how we can be more mindful and take account of our emotions. We looked at how our emotions can be like a storm and they soon pass and the sun will come out again. This afternoon we listened to calming music and did some mindfulness activities.