The nursery Children have been extremely busy over the last couple of weeks, consolidating and using all the knowledge and skills they have developed over the last academic year.

We have continued to enjoy the freedom of Forest school and the children even invented a new game, Lava dodge ball, combining ‘The Floor is Lava’ with ‘Dodge Ball’, great fun was had by all.

The sun shone on us for our lovely sports day events. These were really well attended by family members. The children competed in a variety of races, including egg and spoon, running, walking backwards, and culminating in a relay race, the children were all amazing, well done everyone.

To finish off our animal topic we were lucky enough to secure a visit form some very special animals. Alfie the therapy pony, plus his friends including a giant rabbit, guinea pigs, runner ducks and some smaller rabbits. This was an amazing experience for the children to care for and handle animals. The highlight for all the children, and adults, was Alfie waving, jumping and twirling.