The return to school after half term coincided with the start of our Mini Beast topic.

Our first book was a class favourite ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ we used this book to remind us the order of the days of the week. We also learnt a new word ‘Chrysalis’. The children were very interested in how the Caterpillar changed so the following week we looked at the life cycle of a Caterpillar in more detail and we learnt another new word ‘Metamorphosis’. The children really enjoy learning ‘big’ words.

We then went on to the story of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, this book helped us to learn about maps and we created our own map, showing how to get from the school gate to the class, using lots of directional language.

Lastly, we looked at the book ‘Bug in the Rug’ this book is all about rhyming and we completed lots of rhyming activities linked to the book.

June was also the start of or Forest School visits, the children are really enjoying this opportunity to investigate the Forest environment. They have been able to go on Bug Hunts, see tadpoles change, climb trees, swing, balance on a variety of equipment, make music and have lots of stories.

In maths we have been investigating the difference between 2d and 3d shapes and the children were set a challenge of creating a structure using 3d shapes, some of them were even able to create a structure using their sphere.

Capacity was our last topic in maths, we learnt some new language to describe capacity and had lots of fun investigating which containers had the largest/smallest capacity.