School leaders 2023/24

This year our school leaders are Camila and Liyanah

The deputy school leaders are Afifa and Wayne

At Tudor Grange Samworth Academy all our school leaders have to have excellent learning behaviour and attendance as well as being able to demonstrate our Tudor Values.

Our selection process included children initally applying and then speaking to the school community during assembly about why they want to be a school leader. Finally, during British Values Week elections were held and the successfully leaders were presented with their badges in assembly.

In our first meeting of the year the school leaders discussed the Tudor Values and which ones they would like to focus on and why:

– Respect – everyone deserves to be respected regardless of who we are and where we have come from; and

– Opportunity – school gives you lots of opportunity to learn, grow and succeed.

Our school leaders welcome guests to our school and show people around showcasing the great learning environment we have at Samworth.

School Council

During British Values Week classes nominated and elected their class representatives by identifying children who demonstrate good learning behaviour and attendance as well as showing the Tudor Values. The school council meets regularly, with the school leaders to discuss a range of issues and events affecting our school community including well-being and environmental concerns.

The first event the student council will plan this year is Hello Yellow Day – World Mental Health Day. Classes will create emojis to represent all the emotions and feelings we have as a way of being able to express how we are feeling.